Friday, October 26, 2007

Christmas market at Liseberg

Every year from mid november and up until christmas the amusement park Liseberg turns in to a giantic Christmas market (the biggest Christmas market in Scandinavia) with everything you need to get into the christmas spirit. Liseberg is decorated with millions of spruce garlands and you’ll find around 80 cabins and shops packed with everything that makes Christmas special.

On of the coolest things during the Christmas period is the "Liseberg Ice Gallery & Bar", it is made entirely out of beautiful shimmering blue ice and all of the interior furnishings, including the drinking glasses, is made of ice.

So if you're in town any time between mid-november and Christmas, stop by at Liseberg and you will be in for a great experience!


lalepro said...

Tack för den trevliga bloggen. Jag har lärt mig en hel del om Göteborg från det du har skrivit.

goteborgcity said...

You'll find your blog now in the list of

J said...

hiya! I just stumbled upon your blog and really liked it. It's got a lot of potential. I have been living in Gothenburg since this February, and I really like the city. I also started a photoblog with a lot of pictures from the Gothenburg area (among others) and of Sweden in general. I was wondering if you would be interested in exchanging links. Just drop me a comment on if you are interested.
